Last night as I was sitting on the computer trying to use up time before Alex got home, I was reading old posts from NieNie's blog. It really touched me and made me feel a lot of differnet things. I started to feel that I had no reason to complain about my small imperfection on my face or any other "poor me" things. That, I need to be a better wife and mother, and to play, laugh, and love more. I also felt so strongly again that Heavenly Father knows and takes care of all things. I know that from watching my own life, and even though we've had rough times Heavenly Father was always there to guide and help us feel loved. I have three beautiful children that are healthy and a great husband that loves me. We have had many different trials in our lives but I have to remember that those are what make us who we are and they make us stronger. I just want to end by bearing my testimony, I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the one and only true church, I know that we all are here for a purpose and that we should life our lives preparing to return to Heavenly Father and to be more like him and Jesus Christ, I know that prayer does work and that through faith almost anything is posssible, I am grateful for the power of the Preisthood for the blessings we can recieve through them and faith. I love my family and I am grateful to be a mother and wife. Live your life to the fullest and most rigtheous becuz as fast as we can blink it can all be gone.